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Anambas Resort
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Anambas Resort
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Anambas Resort

So you've heard of the Anambas Archipelago and you can't wait to explore this frontier paradise. But you're not quite the backpacker type and prefer to immerse yourself in your private little comfort zone when you're traveling.

Well, now you can get off the beaten track to your heart's content, in the knowledge that you'll be enjoying the lap of luxury once you're back at to your accommodation - Anambas Resort.

Anambas Resort offers all the creature comforts you could wish for. With a breathtaking panorama to boot. In fact, Anambas Resort is your home away from home.

And Anambas Resort's location is a convenient 10 minute ride to Tarempa. Or take a water taxi for a fun experience. Of course, it's not as if you'll ever have a need to go anywhere, because Anambas Resort is fully self-supportive. This includes a complete kitchen service, where meals are freshly prepared and served at your wish.

But our island has plenty of attractions on offer, so if you'd like to take in the sights, just say the word.

Want to go snorkeling in our crystal-clear waters? By all means go for it. In fact, you can even go all-out and go for a scubadive. Anambas is called Scuba Heaven for a reason after all.

Welcome to Anambas. Welcome to Anambas Resort.


Anambas Resort
Anambas Resort

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